Event almost here – some more info

ON TRAVEL TO the Czech Republic

Indeed, the situation with Covid restrictions is not looking too bad. As announced some days ago, travel to the Czech Republic will become easier, the official announcement has been updated on June 18, by the Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic: available here.


Breakfast and Dinner will be prepared for you, as already mentioned in Bulletin 1. However, to prepare the capacity, please use ORIS and register for breakfast and dinner under the Additional Services. You will only need to pay when purchasing the meal tickets during registration.

Some more info:

Breakfast: 100 CZK – shall be in a form of a buffet, fully stuffed, open from 7:30-10:00

Dinner: approx. 120 CZK – plan to have choice of ~5 different dishes, you will pick up your meal at the dispensing window organized by the catering. Open from 18:00 until all meals will be sold out.

If interested, please fill in the Additional services, preferably until June 27. Thank you

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Good news on travel to CZ

As announced by the Minister of Health today:

Applicable from June 21, Citizens of EU and Serbia will be allowed to enter the Czech Republic with no additional restrictions, provided they will prove that they have either been tested, vaccinated or has recovered from Covid.

National certificates will be accepted.

As soon as an official statement appears on the sites, we will share it here.

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Start fee update and other changes

Small changes due to COVID and location change:

  • Reflecting the current uncertain situation, the Entry fee remains the same till June 20
  • If a registered competitor from country outside the Czech Republic was not allowed to enter the Czech Republic due to restrictions enforced either by the Czech Republic or her/his relevant country, the paid entry fee would be refunded
  • SIAC cards will be available for rent by the organizers. Enter the request for SIAC card rent when registering for the event before June 20. Аs the number of cards for rent is limited, the organizer cannot guarantee available SIAC for those not requested in advance

All changes updated and marked in a Bulletin 1

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