Start fee update and other changes

Small changes due to COVID and location change:

  • Reflecting the current uncertain situation, the Entry fee remains the same till June 20
  • If a registered competitor from country outside the Czech Republic was not allowed to enter the Czech Republic due to restrictions enforced either by the Czech Republic or her/his relevant country, the paid entry fee would be refunded
  • SIAC cards will be available for rent by the organizers. Enter the request for SIAC card rent when registering for the event before June 20. Аs the number of cards for rent is limited, the organizer cannot guarantee available SIAC for those not requested in advance

All changes updated and marked in a Bulletin 1

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5 days MTBO event moved from Vrchbělá to Pilsen, the date stays unchanged: 2.-6.7.2021

Dear Friends,


it is still nearly impossible to asses what restrictive measures will apply in July


the WOC Tour associated to World Orienteering Championships in Doksy has already been postponed to 2022,

we were forced to adjust our plans in the following way.

We rather use the Vrchbělá area as a 5days MTBO center in the period 5.-9.7. 2023, and thus also provide a training camp for MTBO World championships held in the Czech Republic in the same year.

The 5 days MTBO 2021 center is moved to a camp nearby Pilsen, where we have not have yet held the event.

A new Bulletin will be published within the next few days.

Thanks a lot for understanding and we are looking forward to seeing you,

KOS Plzeň

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