The new A4-size racing model of the MIRY mapholder will be given to one of the overall winners of MW14-20 classes – to the one with the smallest margin ahead of the guy/girl on the second place. The mapholder will be handed over at the final price giving ceremony.
All models of MIRY mapholders will be on display, for rent and to buy at the MTBO5Days event centre.

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Need an inspiration for your free time in Plasy?

Link to the tourist map with the suggested places to visit. See the list below the map for English translation of the sights.


1 Městečko Rabštejn – historické 50°2’34.283″N, 13°17’21.150″E
Town Rabštejn-historical 50.0428567N, 13.2892083E
2 Zámek a pivovar Chyše 50°6’18.373″N, 13°14’49.436″E
Castle and Brewery Chyše 50.1051033N, 13.2470656E
3 MiniPivovar Příšov část obce Příšov, Příšov, okres Plzeň-sever
Craft Brewery Příšov 49.8107592N, 13.3041858E
4 Zřícenina hradu Radyně, vyhlídka 49°40’49.522″N, 13°27’55.971″E
Castle ruin, nice view 49.6804225N, 13.4655475E
5 Zámek Nebílovy 49°37’45.488″N, 13°25’54.229″E
Castle Nebílovy 49.6293022N, 13.4317303E
6 Minipivovar Příšov 49°48’42.696″N, 13°18’13.447″E
Craft Brewery Příšov 49.8118603N, 13.3037353E
7 Zřícenina hradu Lopata 49°39’51.169″N, 13°33’23.096″E
Castle ruin Lopata 49.6642139N, 13.5564156E
8 Zámek Kozel 49°40’14.493″N, 13°31’47.927″E
Castle Kozel 49.6706922N, 13.5299797E
9 Vyhlídka Kozelka – stolová hora 49°59’43.728″N, 13°9’27.024″E
Table flat Hill Kozelka 49.9954803N, 13.1575067E
10 Zámek Manětín Manětín 1, Manětín, 331 62, okres Plzeň-sever
Castle manětín 49.9914556N, 13.2321953E
11 Muzeum každodennosti 49°58’17.239″N, 13°38’53.464″E
Museum of every day (country) 49.9714550N, 13.6481844E
12 Zřícenina hradu Krašov 49°56’56.187″N, 13°35’19.025″E
Ruin Krašov 49.9489406N, 13.5886181E
13 Muzeum a galerie severního Plzeňska 49°59’5.375″N, 13°27’45.659″E
Museum and gallery of Pilsen region 49.9848264N, 13.4626831E
14 Centrum stavitelského dědictví Plasy 49°56’8.561″N, 13°23’19.463″E
Museum of building and materials 49.9357111N, 13.3887397E
15 Klášter Plasy 49°56’5.056″N, 13°23’25.064″E
Cloister Plasy 49.9347375N, 13.3902956E
16 Žulový balvan Dědek 50°3’19.249″N, 13°21’23.283″E
Granite stones, nature sightseeing 50.0553472N, 13.3564675E
17 Zámek Kaceřov 49°52’22.834″N, 13°30’39.157″E
Castle Kaceřov 49.8730092N, 13.5108769E
18 Vyhlídková věž katedrály sv. Bartoloměje ulice náměstí Republiky, Plzeň, okres Plzeň-město
Church tower – watchtower 49.7474369N, 13.3767128E
19 Zoologická a botanická zahrada města Plzně 49°45’29.901″N, 13°21’32.900″E
Zoo garden 49.7583058N, 13.3591389E
20 Rozhledna Krkavec 49°48’9.917″N, 13°20’28.939″E
Watchtower Krkavec, buffet 49.8027547N, 13.3413719E
21 Planetárium – Techmania Science Center ulice Emila Škody, Plzeň, okres Plzeň-město
Science centre for visitors, kids 49.7394500N, 13.3624006E
22 Pivovar Plzeňský Prazdroj 49°44’51.422″N, 13°23’14.790″E
Brewery Pislner Urquell, tours 49.7476172N, 13.3874417E
23 Zřícenina hradu Libštejn 49°53’59.912″N, 13°32’50.053″E
Ruin Libštejn 49.8999756N, 13.5472369E
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The MTBO5days registration for the basic (lowest) fee is only possible before this Wednesday, 31 May. Please do not miss it!

All details on registration are available in the information bulletin.

CAUTION: The booked accommodation shall be paid before 14 June. Unpaid bookings will be cancelled and released for further booking  (on 19.6. at 12:00 CEST)

Payment instructions for EUR transactions
  • The fee that should be paid for your club is available here in ORIS. However, the fee is listed in Czech Crowns (CZK). For EUR payment, please calculate the EUR amount to be paid with the exchange rate of 25,00 CZK/EUR.
  • Please use SEPA payment in EUR to our EUR bank account:
    IBAN: CZ2620100000002201203452
    Owner of the account: Klub orientačních sportů Slavia Plzeň, z. s.
    Bank: Fio banka a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, IČ 61858374
  • When making the transaction, please include the ‘variable symbol’ generated by ORIS in the Event Entries in ORIS
  • The SEPA payment from Eurozone countries should normally be for free (depends on your bank). In any case, please make sure that any fees for the international bank transfer are covered by the sender and that they are not deducted from the transferred amount. Otherwise we will collect the missing amount at the registration
  • You can check that your payment has been well received in the Fee list in ORIS (in the ‘PAID’ column). Just give us some two weeks to process it.
  • In case of problems or too high costs to pay via bank, you can also pay cash at the registration before the race.

Many thanks and see you in Plasy!

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